So me and one of my oldest friends, got into a little fight. Want to know about what? Because I haven't talked to her in a few days. I mean c'mon. I don't have any classes with her anymore and I don't see her around anymore either, and she got all upset about it saying that I was "ignoring" her? Uhm, no. And I went to the bathroom during one of my classes and there was a lot of people in there and so was she, talking to someone and she's complaining that I didn't say hi to her. Uh, sorry I was actually using the bathroom and not socializing. And today, she was suppose to give me a ride home from school, but oh no, guess what? She decided to tell me last minute that she "didn't have enough room for me in the car", hmmm. Odd. So I had to take the bus home because I didn't get the chance to ask anyone else for a ride home. The bus sucks. I have about a 40 minute ride home and I didn't bring my iPod or anything. So I just sat there in silence, staring out the window. It's nice to have such caring friends right? Oh yeah it is. Of course I didn't say anything to her or bitch her out because I don't want to cause anymore problems, so I was just like "Oh that's okay, I understand." I should've said something, huh? But what? I can't say anything unless I want the situation to get worse. I wish I had my licence, but oh well. In one more month I'll hopefully* have it. Fingers crossed. So now I'll just be getting a ride from someone else now, someone who is more dependent and someone who I can rely on. Ughh. Mind you, I only have like a total of 4 friends. None of them talk with each other or even like one another, so whatever.
I just needed to vent about that to someone. Hahaha, thanks guys. I love you<3 MWAH!